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Global Block
RwbyRedДата: Th, 2010.10.28, 17.04.19 | Mesagess # 1
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Messages: 172
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REP.: 16
Global blocks are blocks available in all other templates of your website. By means of global blocks you can optimize the design of your website, having spitted it into common parts: e.g. HEADER – common top part, FOOTER – common bottom part etc. With the help of common blocks you can update the design on the whole website by means of editing only one block template.

Where to create a global block in the Control Panel:

Mail » Customize Design » Global blocks

Block name must contain only upper case Latin letters, max length is 10 characters. This name will serve as the $code$ of the given global block in templates.

Max number of global blocks is 10, including $GLOBAL_FRIENDS$.

Note: If you are going to edit templates you must have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

There is one default global block - Site Friends.

Example of the block code:

<ul class="uz">
<li class="menus"> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.ucoz.com/"><img src="http://money.ucoz.com/img/logo.gif" border="0" width="101" height="50" title="Create a site with uCoz" alt="Create a site with uCoz"></a></li></ul>
<div align="center">Forums</div>
<ul class="uz">
<li class="menus"><a href="http://www.forum.ucoz.com/" target="_blank" class="noun">English</a></li>
<li class="menus"><a href="http://www.forum.ucoz.de/" target="_blank" class="noun">German</a></li>
<li class="menus"><a href="http://www.forum.ucoz.es/" target="_blank" class="noun">Spanish</a></li>

This is how it looks in templates:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="boxTable"><tr><td class="boxTitle"><b>Site friends</b></td></tr><tr><td class="boxContent">$GLOBAL_FRIENDS$</td></tr></table>


How can I add global block in global block?

You can't... we don't support global blocks nesting.

New global block! How can I add one?

1. add global block
2. fill it with content.
3. add the code $GLOBAL_ANYWORD$ to the templates you want that block to be shown in.
Don't forget about the feature "Quick substitution of template parts" and try to examine the feature "Templates builder" in Design tab of the Control Panel.

I’ve noticed the global block $GLOBAL_SOANDSO$ will not run inside $CONTENT$ area.
Correct me if am wrong!

You are right. Global blocks work in templates only

Just 10 global blocks?

10 is the limit, you can't create more global blocks.

RwbyRedДата: Th, 2010.10.28, 17.06.49 | Mesagess # 2
У вас:
Team: Owner
Messages: 172
+: 2
REP.: 16
You can add content to them through:

CP > Customize Design. There click on the global block you want to add content to.

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