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[G] How to create first page using html file & File Manager?
RwbyRedДата: Th, 2010.10.28, 17.45.25 | Mesagess # 1
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Creating Intro:

1. If you are on Windows - start Notepad. If on Mac - start SimpleText.

<title>Your Site Name</title>

<body style="background:#252525;">

<center><img src="--Image--Link--" border="0"></center>
<td align="center"><a href="--Site--Link--"><img src="--Image--Link--" border="0"></a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="--Site--Link--"><img src="--Image--Link--" border="0"></a></td>
<small>Copyright Armaros © 2008.</small>

I hope it will display the colors in the code if not go on Builder and turn it on open 1 of the small squears for chainging the design open the one for htm codes and paste the code there it shuld have the cilors. Do not save it there!

Colour - HTML Tags. They open and close document. Don't delete nor touch.
Colour- Head, this will give your page a title which is visible in browsers.
Colour - Background colour. In bold is colour code which you can replace. (H)
Colour - Center tag is used to make elements, objects align to the middle.
Colour - That's content title. Symbols H1-H6 are sizes for the title.
Colour - Image code. All you have to do is place your image url in: --Image--Link--
Colour - Will make images linkable. Replace --Site--Link-- with url you need.
Colour - Table. Tr - means row. Td - means cell. You add cells inside rows.
Colour - Copyright line. Tags <small> will make text size smaller.
Colour - P tags are meant to start a new paragraph. Will add space in this case.
Colour - Br tags are meant to add a single space anywhere it is needed.

3. Click on File -> Save as... -> index.html

1. Go to Control Panel -> Page Editor -> File Manager.
2. Create Folder by name of "index" or "intro".
3. Upload your index.html file inside this folder.

Creating Base:

1. Go to Control Panel -> Page Editor -> Pages management.
2. Edit "Main Page". Go down till you see "Options" field.
3. Mark "Apply personal template to the page" and save.

1. Go to Control Panel -> Customize Design -> Main page.
2. Replace whole pages content with this one:

<body bgcolor="#000000">
<script language=javascript>
window.location= "--Page URL--";

3. Modify bgcolor="#000000" with your colour.
4. Modify --Page URL-- with your "intro" or "index" folders url.

New Main Page:
1. Go to Control Panel -> Page Editor -> Add new page.
2. Create page by any name you like - Home Page.
3. If you have installed "Site News", add pages content:

<?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add news entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$

4. Save and go to your New-Created home page.
5. Copy the url of this page from browsers url field.
6. Go to File Manager inside your index or intro folder.
7. Click on modify tool of your index.html file.
8. Replace link which links to make page to copied link.
9. Save changes and you're fully done with intro.

Note: You might want to change url in your Site Menu as well.

Example: I used exactly the same code I used at first step.


<title>The Best</title>

<body style="background:#FFFFFF;">

<center><br><br><h4>We all know who is the best...</h4></center>
<center><img src="http://i38.tinypic.com/w84vua.jpg" border="0"></center>
<td align="center"><a href="http://www.ucoz.com/main/?a=reg"><img src="http://i34.tinypic.com/1zpl8wi.jpg" border="0"></a></td>
<td align="center"><a href="http://www.ucoz.com/"><img src="http://i34.tinypic.com/35avhpj.jpg" border="0"></a></td>
<small>Copyright Armaros © 2008.</small>
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